Liebster Award!

7:04 AM

Hey guys!

So this is slightly different to the previous posts I have written about, but after being nominated by Meg ( and Sarah (, I just had to take part! Thank you to Meg and Sarah for nominating me and because I had been nominated by two people, I will answer both sets of questions! 

Here are the rules for those nominated:

1.Thank the blog that nominated you and link them
2. Post eleven facts about yourself.
3. Answer the eleven questions provided by the person who nominated you and then create an eleven-question set for the next group of nominees.
4. Choose eleven people to nominate and link them in the post.
5. Let your nominees know they've been tagged - and no tag-backs! 
6. Nominate blogs under 200 followers.

The Eleven Facts About Me

  1. I was born on the 4th August 1998 which makes me 16!
  2. My star sign is Leo.
  3. When I'm not writing a new blog post, I like to watch films, TV shows, YouTubers and listen to music!
  4. I prefer big dogs over small dogs, however, I would love to own a pug for a small dog or a German Shepherd or Doberman Pinscher as a big dog!
  5. I have a younger sister and a younger brother.
  6. If I could only watch 5 TV shows for the rest of my life, I would definitely watch The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, My Wife & Kids, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air and American Horror Story.
  7. I have always wanted to visit Bora Bora ever since I seen the Kardashians go there! It looks amazing!
  8. I love discovering new music!
  9. This will most likely be similar to my 50 Facts About Me post I did haha.
  10. I love reading and finding new books to read!
  11. I'm fascinated by all things creepy as well as what goes through serial killers minds, is that weird???

Sarah's Questions
  1. What was your first makeup product?
    My first makeup product was definitely mascara! I remember watching a makeup tutorial for the first time and I just was obsessed with mascara from Year 7 to Year 8!
  2. Who is your favourite blogger? has to be one of them! I just love reading through her blog as it covers so many things that I am interested in!
  3. Why did you start your blog?
    I already had a Tumblr since 2011, but I really wanted to start something in which I could write about different things makeup, lifestyle and fashion related! I am so far having so much fun and I enjoy writing my blog and I definitely won't be stopping my blog anytime soon!
  4. If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be?My hair colour, however I just can't bring myself to do it!
  5. What is your favourite colour?
    I have two! Navy blue and black!
  6. Do you have a nickname?
    I had a few people call me Pritstick for a while... does that count?
  7. What is your favourite animal?Black panthers! I just think they're incredible!
  8. If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
    New Orleans, New York, Dubai or Hawaii!
  9. What do you think you'll be doing this time next year?Honestly, I have no idea! Anything can happen in a year!
  10. If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
    A black panther or a leopard!
  11. What is your favourite food?
    Chicken haha!

Meg's Questions
  1. One song that describes you perfectly?
    Can I say Boss Ass Bitch???? Ha!
  2. If you could be any animal for the day, what animal would it be?
    Black panther or leopard!
  3. What was your reason you started blogging?
    As I said on my previous answered questions, I already had a Tumblr since 2011, but I really wanted to start something in which I could write about different things makeup, lifestyle and fashion related! I am so far having so much fun and I enjoy writing my blog and I definitely won't be stopping my blog anytime soon!
  4. Biggest pet peeve?
    Cruelty to pets! If you're going to treat your pet badly, why own one?!
  5. Favourite beauty item?
    Liquid eyeliner! You can do so many different styles with it and each style makes you look different!
  6. Best advice you've ever received?
    'Don't keep negative people in your life who will only make you feel bad about yourself, whether they are joking or not!' Taking this advice has changed my life for the better and I'm glad I chose to take it!
  7. Dream job?
    Currently, I am heading towards nursing or psychotherapy, but I have wanted to do something in the makeup and fashion industry for such a long time!
  8. Favourite season?
    Winter! Well, October to December is my favorite!
  9. One fashion item you cannot live without?Necklaces! I feel as though they complete any outfit, whether they are a chain or statement necklaces!
  10. Who is your biggest inspiration?
    Humans! Knowing there are people out there who are having such a hard time and going through tough situations and being able to get through times where I would have given up is incredible!
  11. Favourite childhood memory?
    The summers of 2007 to 2011! I remember spending almost every summer with my cousins and we would do so much stupid, yet hilarious things which we look back on and think 'what the hell were we on?!'. Those were the good times!
I nominate:

My Questions to you

1. What is your favourite movie?

2. What is your most prized possession?
3. If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
4. If you could go back in time and give advice to your 13 year old self, what would you say?

5. What three things would you be most likely to have if you were stranded on a desert island?

6. Describe yourself in one word?

7. What is your party trick?
8. Who would play you in a movie about your life?
9. What would you do today if you knew you could not fail?
10. A food you like that everyone dislikes?

Thank you for reading!!


Priti :) xo

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