50 Simple Things You Can Do To Improve Your Self-Care

6:53 AM

Things that have helped me tremendously, that may also help you.

  1. Begin your day with positive affirmations.
  2. Go for a long walk.
  3. Practice meditation or listen to guided meditation. 
  4. Light candles.
  5. De-clutter your bedroom & throw away things you no longer need.
  6. Make your favourite meal.
  7. Read your favourite book/s. 
  8. Watch a comedy movie. 
  9. Slow down & try to avoid getting overwhelmed when things get too much. 
  10. Celebrate achievements no matter how big or small. 
  11. List what you love about yourself. 
  12. Take a long relaxing bath/shower. 
  13. Have a digital detox. No television, no mobile phones, no radios, no laptops, etc. Take a break from social media.
  14. Doodle.
  15. Make a playlist of your current favourite songs, all time favourite songs, etc.
  16. Paint your nails. 
  17. Apply a face mask.
  18. Say to yourself  "‘I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do. - Eleanor Roosevelt, You Learn by Living: Eleven Keys for a More Fulfilling Life."
  19. Take a nap. 
  20. Be kind to yourself and stop negative self-talk/thoughts.
  21. Do a random act of kindness.
  22. Stay hydrated. 
  23. Know that no one is in charge of your happiness except you.
  24. Treat yourself and buy something you have been wanting recently.
  25. Eat healthy yet don't completely restrict yourself from treats.
  26. Call a close friend and vent your fears and worries.
  27. Learn a new language. 
  28. Cut ties with toxic people and relationships, 
  29. Learn the definitions of new words you may come across in day to day life.
  30. Take a day off to have some 'me' time. 
  31. Don't be a people pleaser; it's okay to say no. 
  32. Stay away from negativity.
  33. Be kind to yourself.
  34. Take up a new hobby.
  35. Have some alone time in solitude so you can have some peace and quiet.
  36. Don't be discouraged by criticism. 
  37. Improve your skills. 
  38. Do things out of your comfort zone. 
  39. Start a journal and write in it daily about anything and everything. Writing always helps.
  40. Give up caring about what others think of you and just do you.
  41. Make peace with your past. 
  42. Know that time heals nearly everything. 
  43. Find relaxation and solitude in the nighttime.
  44. Talk to people who make you see the world differently and learn from them.
  45. Keep in mind that everything is okay & that there are so many people around you who love and appreciate you. 
  46. Don't compare yourself to others, instead see how great you are and how you are capable of incredible things if you put your mind to it.
  47. Surround yourself with people who uplift you & inspire you instead of people who bring you down. 
  48. Find your safe+happy place/s no matter where that is. 
  49. Put on Frank Sinatra and sing your heart out along to his songs.
  50. Always say yes to desserts.

Love, Priti xo

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