The Disney Tag!

4:51 AM

Hey guys!

So I was tagged by the lovely Vicki to participate in the Disney Tag which I would love to take part in! Here goes!!

1. What is your favourite movie by Disney?
This is actually a hard one because I love so many of their films! However, for me it would Aladdin, Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs or Pocahontas.

2. If you could be any Princess/Prince who would you be? Why?
I have always wanted to be Jasmine from Aladdin because she doesn't let anyone push her around and I have always loved her pet tiger Rajah! Or I would love to be Pocahontas!

3. Who is your favourite character? Why?
Prince Eric or Tarzan! I just can't pick between the two!

4. What is your favourite Disney song?
Strangers Like Me from Tarzan! I think the Tarzan soundtrack is quite underrated!

5. Favourite Disney outfit?
Maleficent! I love her outfit in the 2014 movie as well as the fact that Angelina Jolie has killer cheekbones in the film! Or it would be Cinderella's gown!

6. If you could watch only ONE Disney film for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Aladdin or Alice in Wonderland!

7. Lion King or Jungle Book?
Lion King!

8. What Disney film or films made a big impact on your life? Why?
Definitely The Lion King because it teaches you lessons about life. I especially love the part when Simba runs away and meets Timon & Pumba who both teach him to stay away from his worries (Hakuna Matata). I also have always loved the quote Rafiki states 'Ah yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.'

9. Favourite Disney animal?
Rajah from Aladdin!

10. What Disney movie are you most excited to come out in the future?
I am so excited for the new Cinderella to be released in March 13th in 2015 and Alice In Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass which is due to be released on May 27th 2016! Despite have to wait quite a long time for these movies to be released, I'm looking forward to them!

I hope you enjoyed reading this! 


Priti :) xo

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  1. Loved reading this, I love Disney. My favourite is Mulan :)

    1. Thank you so much! Mulan is also one of my favourites which I forgot to list in this! :)
      Thank you for reading!



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