Hey guys!
So I was looking around and I found something that caught my eye! It is, as you would have guessed by the title, The Ethnicity Tag!
I thought it would be fun to take part in and you could also get to know me and my background a little bit more!
1. What is your ethnicity?
I am full Indian! However, born in India but raised in England.
2. When was the last time you visited your country?
I haven't been back in such a long time! The last time I visited India was when I was 4, although I would love to go visit again.
3. Name one ethnic food you enjoy the most?
I do love samosas, they are so good!
4. Name one household item that best represents your culture.
Literally, I'm pretty sure every Indian household has one of these. All these spices and you're still not hot enough... (get it?)
5. What part of your country are you from?
I am from Porbandar which is in Gujarat. It is on the coast of India!
6. Can you speak the language of your ethnicity?
Haa, hu Hindi ne Gujarati bey bola! Hu 8 ne tey, tyar hudhi maro dad apre keto khali Gujarati bolva ghar ma, to hu ivritna hikhay gey, toh thanks dad! Hindi hu hiki jaar hu Indian TV shows joti mari mum beghi nani hati tyaar, toh hev hu fluently bola.
(Translation down below)
Yes, I can speak both Hindi and Gujarati! Growing up until I reached the age of 8, my dad always made us speak Gujarati in the house instead of English, so thanks dad! Hindi is a language I picked up from watching Indian shows on TV with my mum when I was younger, so I can speak fluently in that now.
So I hope you enjoyed that post and you got to know a little bit more about me, despite it being a shorter post than I would usually do! I have so many more posts to come soon so stay tuned!
So I hope you enjoyed that post and you got to know a little bit more about me, despite it being a shorter post than I would usually do! I have so many more posts to come soon so stay tuned!
Thank you so much for reading and have a nice day! :)
Priti :) xo
Priti :) xo