14 Things I Learnt in 2014

9:51 AM

Hey guys!

So 2014 is nearly coming to a close and we will be saying 'Hello!' to 2015 soon and although it was a wild year, I definitely learnt so many things this year! 

So what better way to finish it off than write 14 things I learnt in 2014! At first, I thought 'write 2014 things for 2014' but then I realised it'd take so long! So I narrowed it down to 14 things I learnt. 

Despite it only being October, I just couldn't resist posting it earlier rather than waiting until the end of December!



Friendships will end out of no where. This year I realised that I am closer to friends I made in these past 2 years than I ever was to my friends of 11 years. I guess College was the time where you realise that some of the people you have known most of your life, were not always supposed to be in your life and that they have their own paths in life to take. Although, I am quite glad because I have made some incredible friends who I never really thought I would be friends with!

Take lots and I meant LOTS of pictures. Make memories in pictures in which in 20 years time, you'll be able to look back on, whether it is silly moments friends and family, special occasions or just pictures of places and scenery, take a picture of it! Anywhere you go, take lots of pictures.

Don't stress or worry over classes in school. 
"Worrying causes wrinkles & botox is expensive. Calm down."
One bad grade isn't going to be the end of the world for you and does not define you as a person. You have your whole life ahead of you and there are so many opportunities! Say 'Yes' to new opportunities and who knows, it may lead you to somewhere incredible!

Do not feel obliged to be friends with someone you do not want to surround yourself with.
"Stand up for yourself." 
If they are making you feel negative, it's okay to leave them. This is no matter how long you may have known them for. Surround yourself with people who keep you positive, happy and bring you higher, rather than people who bring you down.

Drink lots and lots of water. Even if it does mean having to pee constantly haha! Keep yourself hydrated.

It is okay to cry. Cry in front your family or friends. It most definitely does not make you look weak. If something is stressing you out or you are feeling upset about something, don't keep it bottled up. Cry and let it all out! Let the negativity out and breathe in positive energy. 
"Cry until you laugh and laugh until you cry."

No matter what happens, your family will always be there to have your back. 

Do not allow the opinions of other people to choose your future or career choice. Don't let your happiness depend on another person. We all have our own aspirations and goals. Do what makes you happy and choose a career choice you know that you will still love in 20/30 years time.

(Who else absolutely loves Daria just like me?)

It is okay to make mistakes because you'll learn from them. The biggest mistake you could make is not taking a chance because you are too worried in case it doesn't turn out how you wanted it to. 
" Push yourself. You'd be amazed at what you are capable of."
Take a chance and see what would happen! You might learn something new or even succeed, which are both win-win situations.

'Some people you considered as close friends were only because you saw them 5 days a week.' 
I have learnt who my close friends are and who were merely acquaintances. Now that I have started College, I have realised that the quote above is completely true. More than half of the people I would always speak to everyday at school in lessons before summer, I do not speak to any more after summer. 

"Sometimes, the only person you can rely on is yourself."
Learn to be independent and do not rely on others to create your happiness. 
"Don't be vulnerable to everyone." 
Do not give your best to everyone and don't give them everything you have. 
"Make people who want you, work for you. Challenge them because if you give them everything they want right away, they will leave quicker than you want."

It is okay to have some alone time to yourself and not have people around you constantly. You can still entertain yourself when you are alone. Watch a funny film, read a book, listen to music, its endless! If there is something that you do not want to do e.g. family or friend gatherings, say 'no' and allow yourself to have some time to yourself.

People do care. Don't be afraid to open up about how you feel to someone because you may think they do not care. They do. They can family members or friends! If you need guidance or are struggling with something, talk to someone who will listen and give you great advice to get you back on track.

Life goes on. And it's hard, even for Kim Kardashian. But just accept it! No matter how bad you may feel now or if you had an embarrassing moment in which everyone laughed at you, one day you will look back, smile and laugh! 


I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed writing it! 

Thank you so much for reading and I have some bigger posts coming soon. :)

Have a nice day!


Priti :) xo

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