Tips For When Applying Henna!

3:59 AM

Hey guys!

This post I thought would be so fun to do as I definitely ADORE doing it! It's henna! So I've decided to share some tips with you guys!

So here is a picture where I have done henna however it was quite rushed and I probably shouldn't have applied it at 9pm, but I will include this down below!

So here are my tips that I am sharing with you which I hope you find useful if you ever should apply henna!

  • My main tip! Keep the henna on your hand or where you decide to apply it for as long you can! This is where I should have applied mine before 9pm, however I had a wedding to go to the next day which brings me on to my next tip!
  • I tend to keep henna on for as long as I can and let it peel off itself, but if you are in a hurry, you can leave it to dry for a minimum of around 2-3 hours to let it soak into your skin. The longer you leave it on, the more darker the colour will come out.
  • After I've finished applying henna, I leave it to harden. In a small bowl, mix some lemon juice and some sugar to make a type of syrup which is not too thick, and then use a cotton wool ball to soak the syrup, but be sure not to keep the ball soaking, and dab lightly over the dried henna. 
  • The sugar and lemon juice syrup will make the colour come out darker onto your skin.
  • If the henna is a natural paste, it will soak into the skin as an orange colour and then get darker in the next 48 hours. The actual henna would be green when you apply it onto your hands. 
  • A sunny day is perfect to apply henna! The henna on your hands would absorb the heat, making the colour stain come out darker!
  • My last tip, just have fun with it! Be as creative as you can and create different designs! The choices are endless! 

I hope you enjoyed this post! Thank you for reading and if you have any tips yourself, be sure to leave them in te comments below! :)


Priti xo :) 

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